Friday, September 5, 2014

Erratic Check Engine Light? Your Car Might Need Auto Repair in Orlando

There’s a reason why drivers of relatively newer cars today should pay more heed to the so-called “harbinger” a.k.a. the Check Engine light—that small icon that flashes on the dashboard whenever something is wrong with the car. However, there are drivers who tend to let this supposed warning fall on deaf ears—or rather, blind eyes. Thor Benson of Digital Trends notes: A lot of your probably just ignore the check engine light when it comes on. But the check engine light can be triggered by a number of issues. If you ignore these issues for long, they cause further, more costly problems. The check engine light blinks because something has gone awry within the inner workings of the car—problems which may range from the simpler, DIY-worthy repairs, to issues only professional auto repair in Orlando can handle. Here are some of the most common reasons why the check engine light would blink.